

Godsend has been developed on behalf of Fresh Expressions in the U.K. and was launched in November 2018.

An Australian version of Godsend was commissioned by the Uniting Church of Western Australia in 2019 and launched in March 2020. If you are using Godsend in the Southern Hemisphere, you are likely to be accessing this version of the app.

Mr. Jon Bollinger designed and produced the app. He is co-founder and Director of Appt, a Sheffield-based digital agency specializing in the design and development of bespoke mobile and web-based apps.

Mr. Ant Clifford designed and produced the animations, and did some final edits on the interviews. He specializes in ‘delightful design’ and is one of the team at Sheffield-based Creative Stream.

The Reverend Ali Dorey, as Director of Training with Fresh Expressions, edited the written material, turned drafts of the animations into scripts, and shot many of the interviews in Stories. She has 20 years’ experience in a wide variety of formal and informal learning environments.

Mr. Andy Freeman organized and shot 12 interviews in Stories, and provided invaluable advice, especially at the beginning. He is founder and Director of Space to Breathe, which provides spiritual solutions to everyday problems.

Mr. Tim Lea, a member of the Fresh Expressions team, organised, re-edited and shot 10 of the interviews in Stories. He has over 20 years of experience of leading and developing innovative church and now runs Charis Consultants Ltd.

The Reverend Dr. Michael Moynagh wrote the draft animation scripts, Guides and Action material. He is based at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, and has written extensively on new types of Christian community, including Church in Life: Innovation, Mission and Ecclessiology (SCM Press/Wipf & Stock, 2017).

Mr. Christopher Pipe, a freelance copy-editor, copy-edited the bulk of the written material.

A variety of practitioners, especially the Fresh Expressions young adults hub, commented on the design of godsend and the emerging content.

Financial Support

The following generously contributed to the funding of godsend:

– Church of England

  • Diocese of Bath and Wells
  • Diocese of Edmundsbury and Ipswich
  • Diocese of Ely
  • Diocese of Guildford
  • Diocese of Leicester
  • Diocese of Lichfield
  • Diocese of Oxford
  • Diocese of Peterborough
  • Diocese of St. Albans

– Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio

– Fresh Expressions USA

– Isle of Man – various sources

– Methodist Church of Great Britain

– Unbounded Church, New South Wales

– Uniting Church, Western Australia

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